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Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
Processed meat and cancer what? This is not news!
The media has been overflowing with the news that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has declared processed meat as...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
Calcium intake and bone density: not really related.
You just have to sit in clinic with me (especially NHS ones) to see, on an anecdotal level, that dietary calcium intake (particularly of...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
It must be a bit healthy, flourless, chocolate banana cake.
I made a rather good cake which I believe should be quite nutrient dense: a good step up on a conventional cake in any case. Almost...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
If you're thirsty, drink water: end collaborations between dietetics and big food. I read that the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the American version of the British Dietetic Association - I am...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
Adding life to years.
I've been having a busy old time. Just under a month ago I left my job in paediatric diabetes and joined the overweight and obesity...

Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
Alcohol and health: the honeymoon is over
The Lancet released a study last week (covering approx. 115,000 people in 12 different countries) which has convincingly shown that...
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