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Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 10, 2015
Dog meat festival and hypocrisy
All of you have probably noticed the petition going around about how disgraceful the Yulin dog meat festival is in China. To most people...
Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 4, 2015
We have enough food but not enough fairness
A few years ago I had the opportunity to hear the CEO of an agricultural biotech company speak about his proud partnership with...
Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 4, 2015
How the food grew matters
Much of eating for health is truly about where the food came from, instead of labelling foods or nutrients as 'good' or 'bad'. People...
Dalia Weinreb R.D
Nov 4, 2015
Connecting with the meat we eat
We don't all have to be vegetarians. But losing the connection we have with our food chain has all sorts of long term impacts; on our...
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