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The foundations of my practice lay in treating a person holistically; I treat you as the whole person you are. Your long-term mental and physical health is my top priority. I care deeply about who you are, how you like to live your life and what your values are. 

I ensure these aspects of you are respected whilst we work on your health.


During one to one sessions, your treatment plan is built. We do this together. This helps to keep you on the right track with practical suggestions that suit you and ensures I am listening to you clearly every step of the way. These days, we are bombarded with confusing and often conflicting messages on nutrition. It is exhausting and damaging. Recognising that we are all individuals and a one-size-fits-all-approach is often destructive to both our physical and mental health is crucial. In addition, eating in a healthy way should not be a struggle, nor should it be expensive. In working with me, we protect you from these challenges and more. You will leave our work with a deep confidence in knowing what you need to thrive in terms of nutrition and lifestyle.


My Nutrition Philosophy:


I am a proud supporter of a whole foods diet. This means that I believe that foods in their most natural states are the building blocks of our health, they are what our body recognises most and when we know how to cook, they are cheaper and better for the environment too. I can also provide guidance on cooking and recipes if you require. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel; research continues to show us that the healthiest people consume mostly whole foods while practising positive eating behaviours. My job is to help you organise your lifestyle and help you get to a place where you consistently consume the best foods for your body in an easy and enjoyable way. I am also a strong believer in the 90:10 rule: food is not just here to physiologically nourish us, it is also here to provide great pleasure: When we eat delicious, nourishing whole foods most of the time, our bodies are strong enough to thoroughly enjoy a treat: a slice of cake is not the enemy. Fear mongering, fanatical diet plans which call for the complete elimination of entire food groups or meal components (such as sugar) have no place in a healthy eating mindset. Let me show you how to get the balance right for you.


I am a very warm, positive and inspired practitioner with 15 years of experience. My promise is to provide you with a calm, friendly and absolutely non-judgemental environment to face your health challenges and make sustainable changes that will bring you happiness and health.


Conditions I treat:


  • Disease prevention throughout the lifecycle: from infancy to older age

  • Cardiovascular disease: angina, stroke, heart attack recovery, dysregulated blood lipids, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure

  • Diabetes: type 1, 2 and gestational

  • Weight challenges: overweight, underweight, bariatric surgery preparation and recovery

  • Thyroid health: hypo and hyperactive thyroid, Graves’ disease

  • Hormonal imbalances: premenstrual tension/syndrome (PMT/S), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), PMDD, fibroids, endometriosis, menopause, perimenopause

  • Digestive disorders: IBS, IBD, SIBO, dysbiosis, diverticulosis, diverticulitis, GERD/reflux, gastroparesis, constipation, diarrhoea, microbiome assessment and optimisation

  • Food allergies and intolerances

  • Mental health: depression, anxiety, stress management

  • Bone health: osteopenia, osteoporosis

  • Dietary restriction: vegan, vegetarian, kosher, halal etc.

  • Skin disorders: acne, psoriasis, eczema etc.


  • Pregnancy and fertility challenges: pre-conception, morning sickness, post-natal depression, breastfeeding

  • Autoimmune diseases: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, coeliac disease, psoriatic arthritis

  • Fatigue and pain: chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, anaemia

  • Eating disorders: anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, binge eating disorders etc.

  • Cancer: dietary management throughout treatment cycle and recovery



Why work with me?




  • One to one virtual nutrition therapy

  • Couples/family virtual nutrition therapy

  • Nutrition writing

  • Nutrition talks

  • Corporate wellness training

  • Develop a nutrition and lifestyle plan tailored exclusively to you and your needs

  • Learn to experience truly enjoyable eating

  • Leave deprivation diets behind you forever

  • Learn more about nutrition and its role in managing your health

  • Enable you to make the best eating choices no matter where you are

  • Empower you to leave a diet of processed food behind you with relative ease

  • Receive support between sessions if you need it

  • Have a safe, non-judgemental and confidential environment to face and overcome your challenges

  • Resolve chronic health concerns which prevent you from living your life fully

  • Finally develop a peaceful relationship with food

In medical nutrition therapy I turn nutrition science into concrete action in your lifestyle. In doing this, I show you how to optimise your health and happiness while actively treating your health concerns. The goal is nutritional balance, and the pathway to achieving this is always individualised: we are all unique and respecting this is a cornerstone of my practice as a dietitian. You will not receive generic diet plans.
Nutrients, the components of food, influence how your body functions, how protected you are against disease and also help to determine how your body responds to changes in the environment. Certain dietary components will work to switch genes you have inherited on or off, thereby increasing or decreasing your risk of developing a disease. Even if you have a condition which is already active, medical nutrition therapy can play quite a significant role in the onset, incidence, progression and severity of the disease.

In many cases, changes in diet can majorly influence the intensity of the disease process if not actually cure it.  I believe that every person should be working towards eating a diet which is rich in whole, natural foods – it is one of the surest ways to have a full, vibrant life with optimised physical and mental health. It can be hard to achieve this with all the stress and mixed messages which surround us about food and disease.


The dietary advice you receive is based on your:


  • Medical history

  • Dietary history

  • Blood tests and other medical results

​Medical nutrition therapy is considered a complementary medicine: I work hand-in-hand with other medical practitioners of your choice. I strongly recommend continued care by medical doctors and if we succeed in improving your symptoms, weaning off pharmaceutical medication will always be done with your doctor’s help.


Dalia Weinreb

Registered Dietitian 


Ready to bring peace and healing to your dinner table.

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